Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Two Apps Are Better Than One!

My two favorite apps of all time are Book Creator and Explain Everything – you can create ANYTHING between these two apps and they really soar when smashed together! I love that both of these developers listen so closely to teacher suggestions and are constantly seeking to improve their apps.  We use Book Creator in a myriad of ways including Digital Portfolios in K-2, to create books (fiction and nonfiction) across our campus, and a Virtual Notebook in AP Human Geography. There are lots of options and since the updated Book Creator app now offers comic strips as an option, your creations are limited only by your imagination. 

Explain Everything is the ultimate class flipping tool but also a great way to annotate web pages live or capture students mathematical thinking as it happens. We love taking the Explain Everything iAssessments in math and putting them in our ePortfolios in PK-2.  Terry Condon  uses Explain Everything for poetry annotation and reflection which they upload as a movie. What a fabulous way for students to document their learning! Imagine pulling all of those annotations in one Book Creator book to share with the class (or beyond!).

Reshan Richards is the co-creator of Explain Everything and he has teamed up with the Book Creator developers to suggest 4 powerful ways to demonstrate student learning whether PreK or high school.

Check it out at http://explaineverything.com/news/exporting-pdf-book-creator-annotate-explain-everything/

P.S. If you want to add a dash of Green Screen Doink app to the mix, you can really have some fun!

Let me know if you have any questions, want a tutorial or would like to see some samples.

Happy learning!

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